

Calamaro 365

Congratulations Commander!!! Calamaro is 52 years old and this is the post number 365. Golden slumbers fill your eyes, smiles awake you when you rise...


Dover - Sandwich - Canterbury

There's nothing like discovering a country in Labordeta's way ... Riding a bycicle.
This time we went by train to Dover, the Europe's gateway. In fact we were so happy with our bike when... we passed the customs office of the port of Dover and for a few minutes we were in "Le France".

The route is very well marked and the landscape is very beautiful. After passing the white cliffs of Dover we arrived Deal and Sandwich. And we ate a sandwich, of course.
Then we went to Canterbury and saw the cathedral, Primate of All England, a reference in the English Gothic.


Good Luck - Napoleon (II part) is alive

Dicen los toreros, buena suerte compañeros!!!
Some music to liven up the post.

If instead of a bird it were a pig, "otro gallo cantaría" (another cock would sing). Sic transit gloria mundi - The elogio de la estulticia has a replica inTrafalgar Square.
The German artist Katharina Fritsch has put a big blue french cock in a pedestal as I put a big pink pig. So I dedicate this post to all those skeptics who saw in Napoleon a meaningless work. Just the opposite. In some way I've been plagiarized! Amazing!


Brighton - Newhaven - Seaford - Seven Sixters Country Park

Yesterday I went to Brighton by train. And I cycled by its seaside to Seaford. We have a very nice day as you can se in the pictures. Seven Sixters Country Park was at the end of our journey, it's a very beautifull place located at the "Perfidious Albion".
England has magnificent landscapes when is sunny. Maybe I'll do a painting.



My tummy aches - El Niágara en bicicleta

Today I have had a typical stomach ache so I couldn't go to my english lessons. 
A few days ago I wanted to post a song from Juan Luis Guerra, the Dominican singer who has catched me in these, my first days in Britain, and what a better opportunity, with my tummy aches, to listen this song?. This is also a tribute to Dario Posso who is now in Ecuador preparing mi climbings to Cotopaxi and Chimborazo soon. The phrase "(pasar) el Niágara en bicicleta" -to ride a bycicle across Niagara Falls- is a Dominican idiom used to describe overcoming a difficult situation.
By the other hand I have to confess, today I've painted... tomorrow more.


J.J. Cale, A star has gone

Time of farewells and tributes. A star has gone. Good bye J.J.